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03/19/2002 07:40:16 AM
[life:001334] FW: Statistics and Discrete Geometry
Kazuhiro Iida <piyopiyo@***.***>



土谷 隆


ISM Symposium

Statistics and Discrete Geometry:
Application to Crystallography and Chemistry

The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
4-6-7 Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo
March 25-26, 2002

Discrete geometry is successfully applied to problems in Crystallography
and Chemistry. Analyses on statistical data on geometrical structure
suggest various problems in statistics. The aim of this symposium is to make
an interdisciplinary interaction on Chemistry, Crystallography,
Discrete Geometry and Statistics for the new developments of these fields.

Yasumasa Baba (ISM),
Michel Deza (CNRS/ENS, Paris, and ISM),
Nikolai Dolbilin ( Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, and ISM),
Yoshiaki Itoh (ISM),
Hiroshi Maehara (Ryukyu University),
Masaharu Tanemura (ISM)

Yoshiaki Itoh, itoh@***.***, Tel 03 5421 8763
Masaharu Tanemura, Tanemura@***.***, Tel 03 5421 8735

March 25

9:45-9:50 Opening

9:50 -10:35 Eiji Osawa (NanoCarbon Research Institute Ltd., and
Toyohashi University of Technology),

Beyond Fullerenes

10:35-10:40 Discusion

10:40-11:00 Coffee

11:00-11:45 Michel Deza (CNRS/ENS, Paris, and ISM),

Fullerenes and generalizations: Interplay between geometry and chemistry

11:45-11:50 Discussion

11:55-12:15 Masaki Ozawa (University of Tokyo)

Three Dimensional Spiral Networks of Carbon Nanoparticles
(By Masaki Ozawa, Hitoshi Goto and Eiji Osawa)

12:15-12:20 discusion

12:20-12:40 Takeshi Kanda (University of Tokyo)

Scale of Likeness to the Voronoi Diagram
(By Takeshi Kanda and Kokichi Sugihara)

12:40-45 Discussion

12:45-14:00 Lunch

14:00-14:45 Eiichi Bannai (Kyushu University, Fukuoka),

Algebraic Combinatorics on Spheres and Grassmannian Spaces(A Survey)

14:45-14:50 Discussion

14:55-15:40 Hiroshi Maehara (Ryukyu University)

Arrangement of solid balls -knotted necklaces of pearls and
representation of graphs-

15:40-15:45 Discussion

15:45-16:00 Coffee

16:00-16:20 Yoichi Maeda (Tokai University, Hiratsuka)

Perspective Geometry: Random Configuration of an Angle and the
Expectation of its Visual Angles

16:20-16:25 Discussion

16:25-16:45 Teruhisa Sugimoto (Graduate University for Advanced Studies,

Random Sequential Covering of a Sphere with Identical Spherical Caps
(By Teruhisa Sugimoto and Masaharu Tanemura)

16:45-16:50 Discussion

17:00-19:00 Party

March 26

9:50-10:35 Tohru Ogawa (FAIAS and Tsukuba University)

3D Penrose Tiling: Transformation Model

10:35-10:40 Discussion

10:40-11:00 Coffee

11:00-11:45 Nikolai Dolbilin ( Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, and

Why are there the Penrose tilings are uncountably many?

11:45-11:50 Discussion

11:55-12:40 Kokichi Sugihara (University of Tokyo)

Finite-Difference Approach to Crystal Voronoi Diagrams
(By Kokichi Sugihara and Kei Kobayashi)

12:40-12:45 Discussion

12:45-13:50 Lunch

13:50-14:35 Masaharu Tanemura (ISM)

Voronoi and Delaunay Divisions of Point Systems and Their Statistics

14:35-14:40 Discussion

14:45-15:05 Yoshinori Teshima (Riken)

A Cylinder Packing: Its Structure and Space Group
(By Yoshinori Teshima, Takeo
Matsumoto, Tohru Ogawa, Yoshinori Watanabe and Kiwamu Kase)

15:05-15:10 Discussion

15:10-15:25 Coffee

15:25-15:45 Kuniko Sakamoto (Tsukuba University)

Quasicrystals and Symbolic Dynamics with Three Symbols

15:45-15:50 Discussion

15:55-16:40 Yoshiaki Itoh (ISM)

Random Sequential Packing Procedure and Its Applications

15:40-16:45 Discussion

16:45-16:50 Closing

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